It s really a GR3At Fun to have teaching with Prof Maniam.
A student had presented this to Prof. A 21 years old Malay gentleman, presented with bizzare delusion and hallucination, was diagnosed to have schizophrenia.
"What? Sky- so - phrenia ?" At times, we tend to pronounced it wrongly and turned out with a joke. it might be embarrassing to that student, but the student helped us to at least not to pronounce wrongly for that few words. BLek~~~~
today's law is, when u make a rare diagnosis, then u're rarely correct!
Medical students tend to use exlusive criteria to diagnose a disease.
For example, point for anti-social disorder is she is more than 18 years old. This disorder is rarely happened in a lady, what to say not all people older than 18 years old have tendency to get the disorder. It simply means that this disorder would not be diagnosed in those under 18 years old.
I learnt a great lesson!